So, I haven't been reading nearly as much as I would have liked this year. Have I read a few books? Yes. Did it take me a long time? Also yes. Am I amped up on coffee this morning? Yup. (I've lost track of the cup number. *shrug*) Anyway, This past Tuesday I read a book I'd been waiting for from one of my favorite authors. CM Genovese. (He's got a couple of names leading to various genres of romance.) See this book below.... Yes that book right there was read in basically one sitting. I say basically cause of drinks, food, pets, and other things that had to be done in the day.
I really loved this book. I started out laughing. The dialogue and the characters just lend(ed)* cause I hate grammar right now and it sounds better in my head* to a fun light hearted (maybe, maybe not) humor. Cassie is such a sweet girl, until later. *cough, cough* Rain is well, he's a badass motherfucker that survived have his throat slit in prison. (Yes, this is the couple you are rooting for.) They are the cutest together once they come together. *mind out of gutter people* Then BAM action happens. There's murder, kidnappings, and ax throwing. *I wanna throw axes. Wait I can barely throw darts and hit the board. So no throwing axes for me. That would be dangerous and I don't live dangerously.* Okay, so if any of these factors are something you enjoy, go for it and read his other work. Do, it!
Anyway, I have two main vices in my life. Books clearly and coffee. *We won't tell my video game.* I do love a good tea, but I live on coffee. My Facebook even has figured it out. I need to stop clicking on the yummy looking coffee ads. Never. I might have a cabinet filled with bags of coffee that I'm slowly going through and I drink it every day. I have a small counter nook dedicated to coffee with pictures and other things. There may be a picture one day. That would involve making it look presentable and well, I'm not there yet.
Well, anyway. This was a fantastic book that kept me entertained *cursing the author.* It's also part of a multi author series. I haven't read any of the other books, but I have several I want to read because of other favorite authors. If I do, I'll try very hard to write something up.
Until next time.
Drink tea ***COFFEE*** and read!