Sunday, February 9, 2014

Amazing Reading!

I'm a pretty avid reader. I was firmly a paper book kind of girl and then I discovered Kindle's free app and found books and authors that I wouldn't have found before. One of those authors was Marata Eros. I picked up her Druid Breeder series and was hooked from the start. Her writing sucked me in. The content was just a bonus. Then she wrote A Terrible Love, and I fell in love with the story and the she wrote the story. She followed that up with A Brutal Tenderness a companion novel. Releasing mid February, The Darkest Joy, is the next installment to the books.

She was such a great author, that she sent me the set in paperback. As soon as I got the books, I danced like a little girl on Christmas with the package in my my hands squealing. There they were all pretty and everything.

I had to read The Darkest Joy. Of course I preceded to read said book and ignore everything else that needed to be done that Saturday. I couldn't put it done. Did I have to put it down, yes? Coffee couldn't make itself. I was addicted to the pacing. The duel first person POVs was perfect. Oh and did I mention that there is suspense along with hot men? Opps. In all seriousness, this was a wonderful read that kept me guessing. It was a roller-coaster of a ride. Something else that also sold me and kept me engaged were the descriptions. Very vivid. I felt like I could see what the characters were seeing. I loved the book. It fit in with the two novels that came before it. It has everything a book needs: characters that grow, suspense, love, sorrow, joy, and the ability to make one (me) want to grab the tissues and cry.

Her writing might be dark and skate the edges of various things that make one cringe, she is able to make the reader feel something about her work and that is the key. I am currently reading her The Token series and will post something about those works as well.

Hope everyone finds a good book to read, because as they say, you can live many lives that way.