Monday, June 17, 2019

Reading and Other Things

As you can all see, I've been doing blog tours and it's been fun. I get to read books and discover new authors. New authors can be so much fun to find. I've been a bit on the slacking side with my own personal whatever the hell I want posts on books. Whoops. I have no good reason for it. Well, I was out of commission for a short bit, but I'm on the mend now.

My reading has been all over the place. From sweet romance to the darker romance. Some of them have been quick reads and others have taken a bit of time to complete. While I love reading, I have a new obsession. (No it's not coffee. We go way back to. lol)

No I've really gotten into playing Elder Scrolls online and I am trying to complete everything. Am I crazy? Yes I do believe so. Why? Because there is a lot to do in this game from collecting lore books (see I can't stay away from books) to completing quests. They at least have a wonderful achievements page where I can see my failures. I have so many innocents left to kill! (It's an achievement! I don't go around killing the NPCs all willy nilly.)

Any who. I have a couple of more blog tours coming up. Which I am looking forward to reading and posting on. I have a book to read for book club that's good and dark from what I've heard. Looking forward to it.

That's all for right now. I have lots to take care of. Enjoy this summer all.  

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